Navigating your personal User Dashboard - New View
When you log in to your account, you be redirected to your dashboard.
Note: if you are signing in on a subdomain, the organization may have chosen to have you automatically redirected to a different page upon sign-in.
You can navigate to your dashboard by clicking "Your Image Logo" on the top right of your screen on the Navigation Bar and choosing "Dashboard."
- User Profile in View
- Navigation Bar:
- Your Profile - A drop menu to your messages, dashboard, profile, account settings, and more.
- EN - Toggle languages from English, French, or Spanish
- Dark Mode Icon
User Profile in View
Your dashboard is a single stop from which you can access most features that you will use as a volunteer on GivePulse. You can see a summary of hours, impacts, and groups.
On the left panel, you will see a quick summary of the groups you are a member in and if applicable, courses you're enrolled in as well.
On the right, you can see a calendar view of your upcoming or past registrations. You can click on the event name to be redirected to its page, allowing you to update your registration if the event is in the future and record an impact if the event is in the past.
Navigation Bar:
In the top right of your window, there is a Navigation Bar. Each section is a drop-down menu for you to access and navigate around GivePulse as a user.
Explore - Explore unique experiences, volunteer opportunities, and communities for social change near you.
List - List an Event
Manage - A drop menu where you are assigned admin in the group to manage events, registrations, internships, impacts, and more.
Activity - A drop menu to manage your personal groups, classes, registrations, impacts, and more.
Your Profile - A drop menu to your messages, dashboard, profile, account settings, and more.
EN - Toggle languages from English, French, or Spanish
Dark Mode Icon - Toggle dark mode (crescent moon icon) or light mode (sun icon)
*note: Dark mode is in Beta and is only accessible on New View pages. When using GivePulse and switching between pages, you may automatically be switched back to light mode. Dark mode is coming soon to all pages
The dashboard helps provide an overview as a one-stop shop for most things that you will need to do as a volunteer utilizing GivePulse. You can follow this article: Volunteer Quick Guide, for other useful volunteer information.
User Dashboard Summary Metrics
You can quickly access high-level summary metrics of your engagement on the GivePulse platform. Notably, you can see these metrics from your user dashboard, you'll receive a summary of hours, impacts, and groups.
You can navigate to the upper right navigation bar.
These metrics measure user's activity on the GivePulse platform as follows:
- Impacts: These are your total Impacts, including verified and unverified impacts.
- Hours: These are your total Hours, including verified and unverified across different impact types including volunteering, training, meeting, etc.
- Groups: These are the groups that you have engaged with either as a volunteer, participant, and or member.
New View Dashboard:
If you have any questions, please Submit a Support Ticket.
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