Where can I locate my campus IPEDs Unit ID?
Each institution of higher education has a unique IPEDs Unit ID. For more information about your campus’ IPEDs Unit ID, you can go here: https://nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator/
Why is the Carnegie Elective Classifications and GivePulse asking for the campus IPEDs Unit ID?
GivePulse has integrated the Carnegie Elective Classification for Leadership for Public Purpose application with IPEDs data to:
- include relevant information in the application, including enrollment, total number of faculty, etc.
Is there a fee waiver process?
The Classification is intended to invite wide participation and not exclude any campus from participating because of the inability to cover the application fee. Campuses may request a fee waiver prior to accessing the online application by emailing us at co29@rice.edu.
My campus does not authorize payments that include credit card fees. How do I request an invoice?
- Complete the information under “Member Information”. This individual will be classified as the “primary applicant” for the institution.
- Under “Payment Details” select “Send me an invoice.”
- Complete the information under “Requested Information for Order.”
- Select “Submit.” The Doerr Institute for New Leaders at Rice University will send an invoice.
The information on the landing page (campus name, etc.) does not look correct. Who do I contact for assistance?
Please email carnegie@givepulse.com with the error. Please include a screenshot of the error to assist our team with sourcing a solution.
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