Creating an event with shifts can be a powerful tool for group admins who have regular daily or ongoing opportunities for volunteers to participate in. Group administrators can create events with shifts that span over multiple days, weeks, or months.
This article will cover the following:
- How to Create an Event with Shifts
- How to Add a Singular Shift to an Event
- How to Set Up Repeating Shifts
- Customizable Event with Shifts Settings
- Additional Resources
How to Create an Event with Shifts
From the Group Admin Dashboard, click Events > Add Event. After inputting the event's title, description, and other basic information, you'll see the option to select a frequency. Select Multiple Dates/Shifts.
Click Save & Continue to proceed to Details.
How to Add a Single Shift to an Event
To create a shift, click Add Shift(s) in the top-right corner.
A pop-up window will appear where you can create a shift with a customized Shift Title, Description, Start/End Time, and more!
Once all details for the new shift have been inputted, scroll down and click Save to create the new shift.
How to Set Up Repeating Shifts
If you have a shift that occurs at the same day/time each week, you can set up repeating shifts. When adding a new shift, select Repeats in the dropdown menu.
Next, you can select how frequent the repeating shift is (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly) as well as when it ends (after X occurrences or after a specific date).
Once you have inputted these details, click Save.
Customizable Event with Shifts Settings
There are some settings specific to events containing shifts you may wish to customize.
From the Event Admin Dashboard, navigate to Edit > Event Settings. The following settings can be toggled to customize how shifts display:
- Display Shifts on Event Page: You can hide the shifts if you don't want them visible on the main event page.
- Default Shift Ordering: Specify whether shifts should be displayed alphabetically or chronologically.
- Default Shift View: Toggle if shifts appear in a list view or in a calendar view.
In addition to the settings housed within the event, there are also group-level event settings to customize. From the Group Admin Dashboard, navigate to Customize > Events. On this page, you can customize the following settings related to events with shift:
- List All Event Dates?: Events with recurring dates can display all future dates or just the next date listed.
- Event List Ordering: Toggle if events are sorted chronologically, alphabetically, or by the number of positions remaining.
- Default Number of List Items to Show: Toggle how many events/shifts are displayed on a page at once.
Additional Resources
For additional resources about how to manage events with shifts, please review our support article on how to Manage and Edit Shifts.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
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