When you are creating an Event, you will also have the options to set your event specific Impact settings. These settings will affect how your users can/will create impacts for your event and in what ways. Here are a few examples and definitions below.
Disabling Impacts/Disable User Impacts
To find this setting, create or edit an event and then click on Impact Settings from the left-hand menu.
New View:
Scroll down until you see "Disable User Impacts":
Classic View:
You will then be able to select from three options
1. No
If you select No, then user impacts will remain enabled. This means that a user can create their own impact by clicking Add Impact. Impacts can also be created through sign in/check in processes if those are enabled, and admins can add impacts manually as well.
2. Yes, Disable user impacts
If you select Yes, Disable user impact, users will not be able to create their own impacts. However, impacts can still be created through the sign in/check in processes, and admins can manually add impacts.
3. Yes, Disable all impacts
If you select Yes, Disable all impacts, users will not be able to create their own impacts, and impacts cannot be created through the sign in/check in processes. If signed in/check in, a user will not have an impact created or be marked as attended. However, if need be, admins can still manually add impacts for these events.
Creating impacts and sharing
New View:
Here are some of the impact settings available for events:
Share Impacts: This allows impacts made for an event to be auto-shared to a community partner who would like to have a copy of the information for grant and reporting purposes.
Allow Early Impacts: This allows individuals to track impacts or their engagement outside of the proposed times available for the event. e.g., if the event is 3 days from now, but the individual ended up volunteering or doing work before the actual event start day, allow early impacts enables theindividual to track that before the event is over.
Prefill Impact Hours: This allows the total duration of the time (be it the start and end time of the event, the shift start or end time, etc.,) to be automatically calculated in the system so that the user would not need to input the total hours, and instead the hours are auto-filled for the user to just agree and submit to. Note: This only applies if the event is a multi-day event and open opportunity.
To learn about Global or Network Impact Settings, check out the Customize Impact Settings article.
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