If a user registers or attends an opportunity and impacts are enabled, users might receive one of these 3 post event emails to summarize their participation:
Did You Attend?
If a user was registered for an opportunity and they were not signed in, they will receive an email asking if they attended the opportunity as shown below:
If the user selects "Yes", then they will be directed to update their impact and complete the required impact questions or reflections. Alternatively, if the user selects "No", they will be directed to a page thanking them for their response and will be marked as a "No Show" for that opportunity.
Please note that if a person selects "yes" for their attendance and does not fill out the impact workflow, GivePulse will automatically create an impact on their behalf.
Impact Verified
If an admin verifies an impact with 100% of the impact questions and reflections completed, the user will receive a "Your Impact Has Been Verified" email. This email thanks the user for their participation and provides a link for them to update their impact if necessary.
Confirm Your Engagement
After a user has attended an event, then they will receive a "Confirm Your Engagement" email to ensure they are fully completing their impact questions and adding a reflection of their experience.
Disabling Post Event Notifications
We understand that groups can have a large volume of communications going out to their participants and receiving multiple emails can be cumbersome. To mitigate the volume of emails sent to participants, we recommend that admins are mindful about how often they are sending out information and being sure to review all of the notification settings within each of your groups and events. If you would like to learn more about what emails are triggered by your admin activities, read this support article.
Additionally, here are a couple options to lessen your post event notifications:
Did You Attend Email: If an administrator does not want this email to be sent to attendees, it can be disabled in event dashboard > edit > impact settings > send post-event emails by unchecking the boxes.
Impact Verified/ Confirm Your Engagement: If you are a platinum subscriber you have the option to disable these emails via group dashboard > customize > email templates > impact.
If you would like to learn more information about this feature or would like to tier up to a Platinum subscription, email us at support@givepulse.com.
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