When creating a survey, admins have the ability to customize a variety of settings.
Subscription Note: Surveys are available to NPO users starting at the Give Joy tier and Higher Education users starting at the Department tier. To learn more, please visit the GivePulse Pricing Page.
This article will cover the following:
How to Manage Survey Settings
From the Manage Surveys grid, select the survey for which you want to edit the settings. Once on specific survey's manage dashboard, click Edit. On the new page, click the Settings Tab to access all settings related to this survey.
Survey Settings Defined
- Administrator: Designate a user to be the primary administrator of a survey.
- Email Notifications: Toggle which admins receive email notifications whenever a user submits a response to the survey.
- Visibility: Toggle the survey's visibility to other administrators within your network (Note: This does not toggle the survey's visibility to users, only other administrators within your group).
- Submission Type: Toggle if the submission is on behalf of a user or a group/organization.
- Open Date: Select which date users can begin submitting survey responses.
- Submission Deadline: Select which date users can no longer submit survey responses (Note: If let blank, the survey will remain active indefinitely).
- Preview Mode: Toggle the ability for users to preview the entire survey.
- Allow Drafts: Toggle if users can save survey responses as a draft
- Anonymous Responses: Toggle if users can submit anonymous responses (Note: This setting is only available if 'Allow Drafts' is set to No).
- Allow Guest Users: Toggle if guest users can submit survey responses. All guest users will still be required to enter their name and email (Note: This setting is only available if 'Allow Drafts' is set to No).
- Can Edit Responses: Toggle if users can edit their responses after submission.
- Multiple Responses: Toggle if users can submit multiple responses to the survey.
- Phone Required: Toggle if users must enter a phone number when completing the survey.
- Send Claim Account Email: Toggle if guest users receive an email asking them to claim their GivePulse account, if they haven't done so (Note: This setting is only visible if 'Allow Guest Users' is set to Yes).
- Send Confirm Email: Toggle if users receive a confirmation email after submitting a survey response.
- Confirmation Message: Customize the confirmation email users receive after submitting a survey response.
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