Many organizations choose to integrate GivePulse with Salesforce to streamline their volunteer management processes within the broader context of customer relationship management.
Here you can find
About Salesforce
Through our integration with Salesforce, this can provide a smooth transfer of data from your GivePulse group to your Salesforce database allowing you to collect account information via GivePulse groups, create contacts from your users, and build activity history with impacts and registrations.
This integration provides the following:
- Build Your Salesforce Contacts: GivePulse will send user account information that will translate into your contacts within Salesforce. This information would include name, email, phone number, etc.
- Create Volunteer Jobs: When you create an event in GivePulse, it is translated into a volunteer job in Salesforce. These volunteer jobs will sync the volunteer hours associated with each event or shift in your group. Please note that you will need Volunteers for Salesforce to create volunteer jobs.
- Track Your Volunteer Hours: GivePulse maps your user's registrations and impacts to volunteer hours within Salesforce volunteer jobs.
- Connect your Salesforce Campaigns: Each event created in GivePulse will be mapped to the campaign of your choosing.
Would you like to add a Salesforce Integration to your group? Book a meeting with a team member here: Meet with GivePulse
Sync Salesforce to GivePulse
After purchasing the integration, here is a guide to connecting Salesforce to GivePulse:
As an admin, you will navigate to your Group Admin Dashboard > More Tools > Database Integrations
- You will need to Enable 'YES'
- Select the correct version (Regular Salesforce or Volunteers for Salesforce)
- Input your Salesforce Username (full email)
- Input your Salesforce Password exactly
- Paste Your Security Token from Salesforce
- Paste the Consumer Key
- Paste the Consumer Secret
- If you have disabled users from logging into, please enter your unique domain in the Host URL
Select if you wish to Create New Contacts
- SalesForce Contacts and GivePulse Users are mapped via their email addresses. If a user on GivePule creates an impact, joins your group, registers for an event, etc, do you want to create a Contact in SalesForce if no one is found with a matching email address?
- Select to Include Subgroup Data
- Do you want to sync all subgroup events and impacts? If no, then only your group's events/impacts will be synced to Salesforce. If "Yes", select which campaign to attach these subgroup events to. Note that because users roll up in GivePulse (a member of a subgroup is a member of the parent group) all users will be synced (if "Create New Contacts" is set to Yes)
- Select Default Volunteer Job
- Select a Volunteer Job to place all impact hours that are given directly to your group and not an event.
- Select Default Campaign
- Every event that belongs to your group gets synced to a Salesforce Job and must be linked to a SalesForce campaign. Set the default campaign to use here. Note that when creating events, you can choose a different campaign in the settings page if you like.
- Save Settings, Test Connection, and Sync All Data when complete
You will see the Salesforce connection working banner at the top of the page:
Troubleshoot Salesforce Sync
In the sections for Default Volunteer Job and Default Campaign, GivePulse says it can't find any jobs or campaigns.
Confirm Volunteers for Salesforce Integration and Review User Permissions:
- Select the correct version of Salesforce (Volunteers for Salesforce or Regular Salesforce). If not, select the right version of the integration.
- Check if the Salesforce username in use hasn't undergone any recent permission changes. Confirm that the user has access to campaigns and volunteer jobs data.
Update User Password and Consumer Secret:
- Update the user's (Salesforce username email) password in Salesforce, and update it on the site.
- Add the new Consumer Secret for sync.
Usually, we see this happen when the Salesforce password needs to be reset and then you will need to paste the new password on the GivePulse Database side. You can update the consumer key+secret as well as the new values from Salesforce need to be copied and pasted into the fields on GivePulse.
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