All events have many people serving different various roles. In GivePulse, we provide a few different roles to help make your event run smoothly.
Roles with access to administrative tools
*Administrator (Admin): Has complete control of the group and its corresponding events. Is able to oversee all administrative capabilities, from granting users the roles outlined here and modifying the settings of the group, adding new users and impacts, creating new events, etc.
*Primary Administrator (Admin): Has all the capabilities of an administrator and is the contact listed on a group's home pages. There can only be one primary administrator for each group.
*Events Manager: Has access to oversee event management abilities of all events within a particular group. This enables the event manager to duplicate, communicate and do everything the admin can do but only for the event(s) (Note: Event Managers cannot create new events, they can only edit and manage events that already exist within the group).
*Event Administrator (Admin): Has access to oversee event management abilities of a particular event. They can duplicate, communicate and edit event settings/details.
*Check-in Attendant: Has the ability to only check in or sign-in people for events. This role can be designated at both the group and the event level.
*Shift Organizer/Leader: This is a role defined by you having administrative rights to a specific shift in an event. Most likely this can mean you are the main point of contact or just the admin of the shift. This role can be designated by editing the specific shift.
* Indicated roles are able to use the administrative (admin) capabilities of the GivePulse app or the GivePulse SignIn app to sign in or clock-in/clock-out attendees.
Roles Assigned Based on Activity or Interactions of User with Group
Member: Has access to join private groups and events that are shared only within the parent group or network. For groups that want users to request for Membership, there is a group setting requiring optional custom fields/a survey to be filled out before being approved to join as a member. Until a user's membership request is approved or denied, they are called pending members.
Pending Member: This is a role defined by when the user has requested to be a member but is in a holding pattern, waiting for the admin to approve. The user will be in this state until the admin approves or denies the request for membership. When approved or denied, the user will be notified.
Registrant: A role defined by the user registered to an event.
Participant: This is a role defined by a user has registered and attended an event.
Donor: This is a role defined by a user having donated to your group.
Ticket Buyer: A role defined by a user buying a ticket for your event.
Referral: Represents an individual who registered for an event created by another group. e.g., if there is an event you oversee, and it is promoted into another group page inside GivePulse, and an individual in this other group registers for this event, they will be considered a referral.
Archived: This represents a status you might get when an administrator marks you as an archived or inactivate user for their organizer.
Expressed Interest: This is a role given to users that have expressed interest in volunteering or being a member of a group that is currently in an " unclaimed " role.
Applicant: This is a role given to users who applied for an internship.
Administrator (Admin): This role allows a user to oversee all aspects of the event settings, content, and privacy. An admin has total control over the group and all of that group's events. An admin can mark others in specific roles and cancel/delete the event.
Event Manager: This person has all of the admin abilities, but only for events. Event managers have the ability to edit, duplicate, cancel, delete, and change settings for the event.
Check In Attendant: This role is purely used for signing in registrants. As a Check In Attendant, you can see a list of all registrants and sign them in.
Note: There is no cap in regards to how many event Admins or Sign-In attendants there can be.
How do I apply a role to an individual inside an event?
- In the case the user is not an admin or event manager for the group, they would need to be either registered to the event or manually added to the event. To add them to the event you may "Register New User," then in "Manage Users" search and mark the user the specific role in the "Actions Column."
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