In the case your laptop or device originally had internet, but then temporarily loses connection, our website on the "sign in" page, will temporarily store everything on the page while enabling you to still use the page to sign people in locally (local storage). Therefore this allows people to be signed in without internet!
You must load the Sign-In Registrants link with wifi or internet access first. As long as you do it once, the Sign-in process will work with or without internet moving forward.
Below is an example:
The "Signed In" text means the data is synchronized over when internet was available.
When the internet was not available, and you still "signed" people in, you will have the text "Signed in Locally".
Note: You will need an internet connection for the information to transfers over and the Red text "Sign in Locally" will turn into "Signed In".
This can also be done through the Mobile App:
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