There are instances when you want to cap a specific number of people to attend an event, enable waitlisting of individuals when the number hits a threshold or let an event remain open until the event ends.
The following settings can be changed under "Edit" in your event dashboard:
Registrants Needed: By default, when selecting the size of individuals you want to attend, once it hits the cap, the registration automatically opens up for those who want to be on the waitlist. Nobody else will be "registered" unless people originally confirmed cancel/drop out, or if the admin decides to update the cap # to something higher. The number of participants needed can be changed under "Basics: when you edit an event.
Waitlisting: All events will by default have waitlisting capabilities. e.g., when an event is full and the waitlisting setting is enabled, all people who attempt to register will be added to the waitlist. All people placed in the waitlist are in a queue, so whoever joins the waitlist first, will be the person who gets to be added as a potential registrant when someone who was originally confirmed drops out. Waitlisting can be turned on or off under "Registration Settings".
Note: If a user's registration has not be confirmed, they will not be added to the waitlist. You will need to monitor how many people have registered for the event and only confirm their registration if there are enough spots left. If you would like to manually add someone to the waitlist, you can do so via the actions dropdown menu within "Manage Registrations":
Registration Close Date: You can optionally set a close date where users will not be able to register for the event after this date. This will block people from being waitlisted too. This can be accomplished by navigating to the "Registration Settings" section. You will be able to see an option to update "Registration Close Date".
To learn more about registration processes, watch the video below.
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