Creating and Cloning classes will help you streamline the process of setting up your upcoming semester.
To create a class, first log in to your University's Group dashboard (note: this can also be done through subgroups if classes need to be separated by departments).
Click Academia's drop down menu, and select "Add Class"
You can add as many details as necessary under Basic Info to guide your students to this course. Your Administrator and Instructor can be the same individual, or someone else within your network.
You can also adjust the privacy level in your course.
Under the Course Info tab, you can add identifiers that match your University's Registration system, including the current semester and CRN codes.
Proceed through the tabs as you would for events on GivePulse. Click save on the last page, and your class is ready!
Cloning classes is especially functional when professors are teaching the same several times in a semester and throughout the years. To clone a class you must access the class dashboard. To find your class, first go to the parent group's dashboard. This may be the university's dashboard, or the subgroup's dashboard. Click Academia's dropdown menu and select "Manage Classes."
Once you're in the manage classes view, you can search for the class many different ways, such as by name, instructor, semester, etc... Once you find the class, you can open it and access its dashboard.
Once you've accessed the dashboard, click on the "Academia" dropdown, and click, "duplicate class."
The class and all of its details will be cloned. You can edit this clone to fit your academic needs!
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