Higher education admins can take a few steps to keep their GivePulse page updated at the beginning of each semester and/or academic year!
Review and Verify Pending Impacts from the Previous Semester
Audit all pending impacts with your network so you can start the semester on a clean slate. Click HERE to learn how to manage impacts within your network.
Review your Affiliate Community Partners
Audit your list of affiliated groups to ensure you have the most updated contact information. Reach out to GivePulse Support (support@givepulse.com) if there are any admin changes needed for affiliated community partners. Review our Quick Guide on Affiliates to learn more.
Send a message to your affiliate community partners
Remind your community partners of the upcoming semester and encourage them to post opportunities. Perhaps couple that message with details on forthcoming volunteer fairs, days of service, and other upcoming opportunities for them to get connected with your campus for the upcoming semester.
Close Out previous terms in the Academia Module
Close out academic terms that are no longer active so that students are directed toward their current semester courses, rather than previous terms. In some instances, you might have to make courses visible in the current term.
Duplicate your Annual Events
Save yourself time later in the year by duplicating events that happen each year. You can leave the events unpublished until you are ready to publish and promote them.
Update and Add New Opportunities to your Spotlight
Utilizing the Spotlight feature is a great way to promote events to your network. Review upcoming events/opportunities and consider posting them on the Spotlight.
Archive Users
Audit your list of users to archive members who are no longer at your institution and/or have graduated. You may want to consider moving alumni members to a subgroup. Click HERE to learn how to archive users within your network. If you have specific questions about managing historical users, reach out to your account manager.
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