Membership management allows your group to be set up so potential members can request to join, apply, or pay for membership.
- Managing Membership Settings
- Creating a Membership Application
- Setting Up Membership Fees
- Managing Membership Requests
- Reseting a User's Membership
Managing Membership Settings
You can toggle different membership settings, such as enabling/disabling the join button, requiring membership approval, and more.
Membership Approval: Turning this on will require the admin to approve memberships one by one in the Membership Requirements section.
Require Email: Turning this on will require all users to have a specific verified email address with the specific domain. e.g., if you were a business or a school, and you only wanted members that have your or email, this would make this the requirement.
Creating a Membership Application
A membership application allows group admins to collect information from potential members requesting to join the group. To create a membership application, navigate the "Membership Application" tab and begin adding fields. Click HERE for an in-depth guide on how to create and use custom fields.
Note: If you are importing users into a group that has a membership application, the users will automatically become members and will not be required to complete the application. They will instead have a notification on their account alerting them to complete the membership application.
Setting Up Membership Fees
You can choose to require users to pay fees in order to be a member of your group. If enabled, you can add different membership levels, customize the billing cycle, and offer a family membership option as well.
You also have the option to choose if users pay transaction fees and how they can pay their membership fee.
Note: subgroups will only be able to have membership fees if the parent group has enabled payments to subgroups.
Managing Membership Requests
When there are many potential members requesting to join your group, you will receive an alert in Users > Membership Requests.
The page will show you a list of users who have applied for membership with your group. If you would like to view a user's responses, click on their name to open their application. You can also message a user directly if you have questions about their application.
You have 3 actions you can take to manage someone's application.
- Approve: Approve the user's application.
- Decline: Decline the user's application. This will prevent the user from being able to reapply in the future.
- Delete: Delete the user's application. This will allow the user to reapply in the future.
Reseting a User's Membership
Admins may choose to update their membership application or want to receive updated information from members. You can choose to reset a membership, which will notify the user to resubmit their membership application.
Administrative fields (a platinum option): enables you to customize fields to collect about your users beyond the basic fields we have as a default.
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