Administrative fields are a unique type of custom field that only administrators can access. These fields act as a kind of 'Office-Use Only' field for group administrators to keep track of user information internally.
Note: Administrative fields can only be created and managed at the parent group level. Subgroup admins can use existing administrative fields. Subgroup admins wishing to use administrative fields should contact the network's primary administrator to have the administrative field created for use within the network.
This article will cover the following:
How to Create an Administrative Field
To create an admin field, from the Group Admin Dashboard, navigate to Customize > Users > Administrative Fields.
Once here, you can create your admin field by dragging and dropping the desired field type and then adding the name of the field. Click here to learn more about the different custom field types.
How to Manage/Update an Administrative Field for a User
After creating your fields, you will be able to update the information for each user by going to Users > Manage Users > Configure Layout. Please note that your admin fields will be recognizable because they will have "(Admin)" next to the title. After finding the field and applying it to your manage grid, you will be able to update the information for your users as shown here:
In addition, you can update the admin fields for a user by accessing their User Details and then going to the Administrative Fields tab:
If you have any questions, please Submit a Support Ticket.
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