Any admin of any group can export data. If you happen to be an admin of a network of subgroups, you are able to run reports and export the data on all of them.
For each group, you may also determine if you want to export data on Users, Impacts (hours, attributes and reflections), Events, Subgroups, or Affiliates. Each element of exporting has its own set of abilities to filter and sort.
When logged in as admin, to export all data on your users, go to "Users" and select "Export Users". This will enable you to to view all the information about your members.
To export all data about your events, their registrations, shifts and recurrences, you may go to "Events", and decide to export any of the specific:
To export all the data on impacts or reflections, you may go to "Impacts", and export the option you wish.
When you have multiple groups in a network, you may decide to export all data about your subgroups, affiliations and classes. Note: if you are a school or university, classes would be an option.
You can also export a specific subset of data by going into the management portal for any data set — for example, Manage Users — and configuring the layout to only the specific data you want to export. You can then click the blue "Actions" button and select "Export."
From here, you can then choose to export "Visible Data" to export only the data you have configured.
GivePulse Tip: When exporting data with custom fields, expect the format CUSTOM FIELD NAME (CF) [CUSTOM FIELD_ID_NUMBER].
In the example below, the field is titled/named 'Color'
(CF) = Custom Field (this means it is a created field, not a default field)
[12345] = Custom Field ID assigned
Color (CF) [12345]
The default report and export format is in csv. Please contact if you would like it in another format.
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