To include additional information about students and instructors, you can create custom fields. You can add as many additional columns for custom fields as you like. Custom fields column headers should be formatted as 'CF_XXXX' - where 'XXXX' is the custom field ID generated by the system.
YOU MUST CREATE THE CUSTOM FIELD IN GIVEPULSE IN ORDER TO GET THE CUSTOM FIELD ID. If you are syncing fields to your dev environment first, be sure to create the custom fields in dev and use those IDs in your test files. When you are ready to sync files in production, you will need to recreate your custom fields and add the production custom field IDs to your files.
Note that fields you sync are locked in GivePulse and will only be updated via the syncing job.
Please see the instructions below for how to properly create custom fields, retrieve the custom field ID, and update your files.
Creating the Custom Field in GivePulse
To create custom fields for your users (students/faculty), go to Customize > Users > Administrative Fields within your group dashboard.
Here, you can create all of your custom fields. If you're creating a field with multiple options, make sure the options you create in GivePulse match the options you have in your files.
Find Custom Field ID
Once you've created the custom fields, you will now have to retrieve the custom field IDs. You can find the custom field IDs under More Tools > Custom Fields in your group dashboard.
Here, you can do a keyword search for the fields you created and find the IDs in the Field ID column.
Add Custom Field ID to Files
Now that you have the custom field ID, you can update your files and format the column header CF_XXXX.
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