In GivePulse, the term "Impact" encompasses various forms of community engagement, including donations, fundraising, goods contributions, training hours, voting, research, and most commonly, volunteer service hours.
This article will cover the following:
- Impact Types Defined
- What Data Can I Record/Collect with an Impact?
- Impact Verification States Defined
- Additional Resources on Impact Management
Impact Types Defined
The term 'Impact' is an umbrella term used to describe a range of community engagement activities. Below is each type defined:
- Time: Use this impact type to record hours served in a service project as a volunteer (Note: this impact type will record as volunteer hours on a user's impact summary transcript).
- Money: Use this impact type to record monetary donations or amount raised (Note: Currently, users can only record monetary impacts in USD).
- Goods: Use this impact type to record in-kind and physical object donations.
- Training: Use this impact type to record any training experiences. Users can pick a specific training type from the drop-down: Environmental, Job Responsibility, Soft Skills, Safety, Literacy, or Other (Note: This impact type is NOT tracked as community or volunteer hours on the Impact Summary).
- Research: Use this impact type to track the outcome of research.
- Voted: Use this impact type to track participation in civic duties or elective voting. Users can pick a specific election, if applicable from a drop down menu: Federal, State, Municipal, Caucus, Primary, General, or Other.
- Other: Use this impact type to record a community engagement activity not listed above. Users can describe the activity completed in the text field.
What Data Can I Record/Collect with an Impact?
When a user records an impact, the following are default fields in the impact form for users to complete:
- Name of the Organization
- Verifier Information (Name, Email, Phone Number)
- Impact Type
- Date & Time Measurements (if applicable)
- Likert Scale Experience Rating
- Reflection
- Document/Photo/File Attachments
Group admins have settings to toggle the impact form and some default fields listed above. Click here to learn more.
Group and event admins can use custom fields to collect additional data points, not reflected in the default fields above. Click here to learn more about custom fields and how they can be used in an impact form.
Impact Verification States Defined
After an impact has been submitted, it will be assigned a verification state:
- Pending: An impact with this state has been submitted and is waiting review from the listed verifier.
- Verified: An impact with this state has been approved by the verifier or group administrator.
- Disputed: An impact with this state has been disputed by the verifier or group administrator.
Additional Resources on Impact Management
Listed below are some additional resources for admins and users to review to further learn about ways to create and manage impacts:
Impact Resources for Admins:
- Manage Impacts: Refer to this article to learn how to review and verify/dispute impacts.
- Network Verification: Refer to this article to learn about the network verification feature.
Impact Resources for Users:
- Add Impact: Refer to this article to learn how to record impacts on GivePulse.
- Add Impacts for Groups Outside of GivePulse System: Refer to this article to learn how to record impacts towards organizations that do not have a GivePulse page.
- Track, Update, Delete Your Impacts: Refer to this article to learn how to update/delete impacts and review verification logs.
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