Import Impacts with Custom Fields
Admins can now bulk import impacts and include custom field data related to the impacts. Here’s how:
Creating Custom Fields for Impacts
Refer to our Custom Fields for Impacts article on this process.
There are three ways to Identify the Custom Field IDs. We recommend option 3 as the most streamlined method but all three options are available.
- Manually Create: You can navigate to the More Tools -> Custom Fields and create each new custom field one by one. Note: for each field you create, there is a way to view more information, there is a row for “Field ID” which you will need to know
- Reuse Existing: Note: If you have existing fields you want to reuse, instead of creating new fields, you can access the library of fields (manage custom fields) and edit the details of each one. You will notice, similar to the above, there is a “Field ID”.
- Customize and Use Export: You can navigate to Customize -> Impacts -> Global Impact Questions and define what you believe should be the fields for the Impact workflow. The image below shows our sample custom fields for impacts questions:
You’ll then from the admin end, create an impact with dummy data so that when you run an export you will get a template to use to import! :
Exporting the Test Dummy Impact to find Custom Field ID# and the Response Format:
When we exported and examined the Impact Export, we see Custom Field ID #s 70, 71, 72, 73, and 76 correspond to our questions as well as the format of the responses.
Formatting the Impact Upload Template file for Custom Field ID# and Formatting the responses:
In our downloaded template file, we designate column headers “CF_##” to correspond to the number associated with our custom field, and in its rows, include the responses in the correct format.
Happy uploading!
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