If you're a user, you have the option to resend a verification request every 3 days. To do this, follow these steps:
- Go to "Activity" and select "Impacts".
- Look for the Pending status drop-down arrow and click on "Verification Logs".
- In the top bar just under the impact's date, you'll find the option to "Resend Verification Request".
- You can see the verifier details: verifier email, when the notification was sent, and if the verifier viewed it. If you need to, you can email the verifier your impact URL to remind them to verify your impact.
When a user updates their impact, there is a log that records that update and provides details:
It will record the date and time when the impact was updated and who made the update.
In the case there is a dispute to a verification, you may see the below an example:
We recommend connecting with your verifier to complete the requested information or edits so the verifier can approve your impact.
If you have any questions or comments about verification or disputes, please feel free to contact us support@givepulse.com
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