As an admin of a page on the GivePulse platform, you have the ability to manage your group and complete a lot of tasks. There are some actions that only the GivePulse Support team can do and that you will need to Submit a Support Ticket.
This flowchart is intended to help you know what you can complete yourself as an admin, and what actions will need to be sent to the GivePulse Support team to complete for you.
As an admin, I can compete the following myself: | As an admin, I need to send the following over to the GivePulse Support Team: |
*Unless you have used all of your admin spots and need to purchase another |
Purchasing another admin
Note: For the breakdown of how many admin come with each subscription, see here. |
Replacing the primary admin of the group | Changing the primary admin of a group without the correct login information |
Moving subgroups (adjusting which parent group the child group should be under)
Moving events from group to group
Note: Send the url of the event you are moving and the group it should be placed under. |
*If your spreadsheet has less than 4999 users |
*If your spreadsheet has more than 4999 users |
Creating affiliate groups or subgroups*
Importing community partners
Converting an affiliate to a subgroup and vice versa
Deleting a group or merging a group
Note: Send the URL of the group to delete or the groups to merge, indicating which group should remain. |
Deleting an event: How to Cancel, Unpublish, or Delete an Event from the Manage Events Grid
*From the event dashboard or Manage Events grid, if there are no registrations or impacts |
Merging user accounts
Note: Send the email address of each account and indicate which should be the main account; user can also merge their two accounts |
*You can only delete impacts you have made. You can unlink/remove any impact that shouldn’t be tied to your group. |
Deactivating/deleting user accounts*
*User must fill out this survey to request account deactivation. |
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